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 FDA Compliant HIPS Plastic Roll-0

FDA Compliant HIPS Plastic Roll

A Pulixin é um excelente e líder na produção e fabricação de chapas plásticas na China. Temos tecnologia e equipamento avançados, comércio externo maduro e experiência de exportação, e estabelecemos boas relações de cooperação com clientes em mais de 60 países. Fornecimento gratuito de amostras, OEM & ODM aceites

  • Marca: PULIXIN
  • Origem: Xangai, China
  • MOQ: 5 toneladas
  • Espessura: 0,3~2mm
  • Largura: 300~850mm
  • Aplicação: Termoformação
  • Enviar Inquérito

    Introduction of FDA compliant HIPS plastic roll

    FDA compliant HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) plastic rolls are rolls of plastic material that adhere to the regulations set forth by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for materials intended for contact with food. These regulations ensure that the plastic material used in the production of these rolls is safe for food packaging and other applications where direct or indirect contact with food may occur.

    FDA compliant HIPS Plastic Roll

    For a HIPS plastic roll to be considered FDA compliant, it must meet certain criteria specified by the FDA regarding the types of substances that can be used, the manufacturing processes involved, and the conditions under which the material comes into contact with food. This typically includes using FDA-approved raw materials, additives, and colorants, as well as adhering to specific manufacturing practices to minimize the risk of contamination.

    In essence, an FDA compliant HIPS plastic roll is one that has been manufactured and processed in accordance with FDA regulations to ensure its safety for use in food-related applications. These rolls are commonly used in packaging for food products, as well as in other industries where regulatory compliance with FDA standards is required.

    Advantage of FDA compliant HIPS plastic roll

    Using FDA compliant HIPS plastic rolls offers peace of mind to manufacturers, retailers, and consumers by ensuring that the packaging materials meet stringent safety and regulatory standards.

    1. Segurança alimentar: FDA compliance ensures that the plastic material used in the rolls meets strict safety standards for contact with food. This helps prevent contamination and ensures the safety of the food products packaged with these rolls.

    2. Regulatory Compliance: Using FDA compliant materials helps businesses meet regulatory requirements for food packaging and other applications where FDA compliance is necessary. This reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties and legal issues.

    3. Consumer Confidence: Consumers are more likely to trust products that are packaged with FDA compliant materials, knowing that they meet government regulations for safety and quality.

    4. Versatilidade: HIPS plastic rolls are versatile and can be used for various applications beyond food packaging, such as in medical packaging, consumer goods, and industrial applications. Ensuring FDA compliance broadens the potential market for these rolls.

    5. Durability and Performance: HIPS plastic is known for its durability and impact resistance, making it suitable for packaging applications where protection of the contents is essential.

    6. Cost-Effectiveness: While ensuring FDA compliance may involve additional testing and certification processes, using compliant materials can ultimately save costs by preventing recalls, fines, and reputational damage associated with non-compliant products.

    7. Compatibility: FDA compliant HIPS plastic rolls are compatible with standard packaging equipment and processes, making them easy to integrate into existing production lines.

    8. Transparency and Traceability: Manufacturers of FDA compliant materials typically provide documentation and certifications demonstrating compliance with FDA regulations, providing transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain.

    What are FDA standards?

    The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) establishes and enforces standards, guidelines, and regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and other products within its jurisdiction. While “FDA standards” may refer to various specific regulations depending on the product category, here are some key aspects of FDA standards:

    The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) establishes and enforces standards, guidelines, and regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and other products within its jurisdiction. While “FDA standards” may refer to various specific regulations depending on the product category, here are some key aspects of FDA standards:

    Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs): These are regulations outlining the minimum requirements for the methods, facilities, and controls used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storage of food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics. GMPs ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled to meet quality standards appropriate for their intended use.

    Food Contact Materials Regulations: The FDA regulates materials that come into contact with food to ensure they are safe for consumption. This includes standards for packaging materials, food utensils, processing equipment, and other items that may contact food during production, storage, or preparation.

    Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): Enacted in 2011, FSMA aims to prevent foodborne illness by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it. It includes regulations on preventive controls, food safety plans, hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for human and animal food.

    Drug Approval Standards: The FDA establishes rigorous standards for the approval of pharmaceutical drugs and biologics, including requirements for preclinical studies, clinical trials, manufacturing processes, labeling, and post-market surveillance.

    Medical Device Regulations: The FDA regulates medical devices to ensure their safety and effectiveness. This includes classification of devices into different risk categories, premarket approval or clearance processes, quality system regulations, and post-market surveillance.

    Cosmetic Regulations: The FDA regulates cosmetics to ensure they are safe for consumer use. This includes requirements for labeling, ingredients, manufacturing practices, and adverse event reporting.

    Parameter of FDA compliant HIPS plastic roll

    Nome do produto

    Preço dos rolos de plástico HIPS


    Material de formação de vácuo HIPS, matéria-prima 100% 


    Transparente, preto, verde ou qualquer cor personalizada

    Tolerância de espessura

    De acordo com a GB (superior à GB)


    Embalagem por formação de vácuo, impressão, dobragem, caixa de dobragem, cartões, etc.


    300~1400mm ou personalizado


    0,15~3mm ou personalizado

    Tratamento especial

    Metalizado, Anti-UV, Impermeável, Anti-estático, Anti-embaciamento, Fosco, Frio
    resistência, resistência ao calor, dupla face mate, condutora.


    1.Resistência a altas temperaturas, não derrete facilmente
    2.Fácil de descolar e sem resíduos requisito
    Imprimível, bom efeito de tinta
    4. amplamente utilizado na indústria alimentar e farmacêutica
    5. espessura uniforme, superfície lisa/bonitas ondulações de areia
    6. ausência de grãos, controlo da contaminação e bom desempenho da transformação

    Tempo de amostragem

    1-3 dias

    Métodos de entrega

    Transporte marítimo, transporte aéreo, expresso, transporte terrestre

    Prazo de pagamento

    Cartão de crédito,T/T,L/C,Western Union,Paypal

    Prazo de execução da produção em massa

    3-15 dias, dependendo da quantidade da encomenda



    Diâmetro do núcleo

    3 ou 6 polegadas dependem dos requisitos do cliente


    Embalagem em rolos e palete de plástico, tecido pp com película PE e cinta na palete
    para cada rolo 

    Processing of FDA compliant HIPS plastic roll

    Processing FDA-compliant HIPS (high impact polystyrene) plastic rolls requires following a series of strict processes and standards to ensure the plastic rolls are safe and comply with FDA food contact requirements. The following is the general process for processing FDA compliant HIPS plastic rolls:

    Raw material selection: Choose raw materials that meet FDA standards. These raw materials must be approved and suitable for food contact to ensure their safety and quality.

    Production equipment and environment: Ensure that production equipment and production environment comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) requirements, including equipment cleaning, disinfection and maintenance, and employee hygiene standards.

    Production process control: Establish strict production process control, including monitoring and control of temperature, pressure, speed and other parameters to ensure product consistency and quality.

    Use of additives: If additives need to be used during processing, ensure that the selected additives comply with FDA requirements and that the dosage is within the allowable range.

    Quality control and testing: Establish a quality control system, including raw material inspection, in-process inspection and finished product inspection, to ensure that products comply with FDA standards and regulations.

    Records and documentation: Record key parameters and data during the production process, and retain relevant documents and records for FDA review and verification.

    Certification and review: Conduct third-party certification or review as needed to ensure that the product meets FDA requirements and obtain relevant certifications and certificates.

    Tracking and traceability: Establish a product traceability system to ensure that the production and circulation process of the product can be traced to deal with possible quality problems and recalls.

    Porquê escolher Pulixin

    PULIXIN é um excelente fabricante líder de rolo de folha de plástico PP na China. A nossa fábrica cobre uma área de mais de 10.000 metros quadrados e tem 4 linhas de produção de folhas de polipropileno rígido com equipamento avançado internacional. Pode produzir 3.000-5.000 toneladas de folhas de plástico PP por mês, e a capacidade máxima de armazenamento excede 10.000 toneladas.
    Fábrica de alto nível
    fábrica de alto nível
    1, 6000㎡ Área
    2, 10 linhas de co-extrusão
    3, 15 anos de experiência
    4, 2300+ clientes regulares
    Serviço atencioso
    Serviço atencioso
    1, Resposta rápida aos pedidos de informação
    2, amostra grátis mediante pagamento de portes de envio
    3, Forte capacidade, produção curta e entrega rápida
    4, inspeção de fábrica aceitável
    5, Suporte OEM
    Controlo de qualidade rigoroso
    Controlo de qualidade rigoroso
    1, Erro de espessura: +-0,1 mm
    2, Peso erroe:+-1kg
    3, Impedância antiestática: +-0.1Ω
    Entrega atempada
    Entrega atempada
    1, Produção: 1 dia após o pré-pagamento
    2, Entrega: 5 dias após o pagamento final

    Arquivo de produtos

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